A lot web hosting service providers will only allow you to host a single domain name on a single account. This works fine if you plan on having one website only. But later on when you need to setup additional websites, you will need to purchase a separate web hosting account for each of those additional websites. So for example, if you have 10 websites, you will need to pay for 10 web hosting accounts.
What's UNLIMITED Domain Hosting?
Unlimited Domain Hosting allows you to host unlimited number of domain names, or websites, under a single web hosting account. A hosting plan that allows unlimited Domain Hosting will definitely save you money since you can sign up for an account with one company and manage your websites from a central location.
Aside from saving you money, it also allows you to save time. Since all the domains would be hosted on the same hosting account, you can administer each domain simultaneously through the same control panel.
How Do I Take Advantage of Unlimited Domain Hosting?
The best way to get the most out of Unlimited Domain Hosting is to use an "unlimited" web hosting account. With ASPHostCentral.com, you can host any number of domains/websites under one single account and you can start from as low as $4.49/month only!